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Write about the development of Science and Technical education in Bengal.

Write about the development of Science and Technical education in Bengal.

WB Madhyamik 2019


Development of Science and Technical Education in Bengal:- Development of Science and Technical Education in Bengal is an important chapter.  Till the beginning of the 19th century, the country’s education system remained the main place, but after that, the traditional country system was removed and the modern education system was developed in its place.  The effect of imitating the western education system was seen in the development of science and technical education in Bengal.  By the way, scientific education started in Bengal with the establishment of the Asiatic Society in 1764 AD.  Where apart from political and social activities, scientific activities were also made the center of study.  After this, many institutions related to science were established in Bengal, such as Calcutta Medical and Physical Society (1828 AD).  Gradually the stature of scientific and technical education started increasing in Bengal.  In 1847, the Engineering College was established at Shivpur in Bengal.  In 1835, the Medical College was established in Calcutta.  This gave impetus to the study of science in Bengal.


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