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Write a brief note on Women’s History.

Write a brief note on Women's History.

WB Madhyamik 2017

Ans. Women’s history The role of women in history is studied under the history of women.  It describes the rights of women in history, their position in society, and their contribution to politics.  It describes the condition of women from ancient times to the present era.  The contribution of women in the formation of civilization in ancient times, their status in society, their dignity, prestige, etc. is mentioned in it.  How the condition of women in India declined after foreign invasions, is also studied in this.  It supports the all-around development not only of India but of all the female castes of the world.  In the second half of the 19th century, a movement began to improve the condition of women and demand their international rights, which was known as the Feminist Movement.  Men and women from all over the world participated in this movement.  This gave strength to women’s empowerment.  Earlier, the participation of women in war, politics, diplomacy, and administration was almost negligible, but due to the influence of the Feminist Movement, women have been given a place in these areas.  Today, women have joined almost all professions and professions, due to which their position in society has increased further.  Not only this, but the contribution of women in the field of education, literature, and culture is also very important.

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