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Write a note on the debate between Gandhi and Ambedkar on Dalit rights.

Write a note on the debate between Gandhi and Ambedkar on Dalit rights.

WB Madhyamik 2017

Ans. The debate between Gandhi and Ambedkar regarding Dalit rights: Dr. Ambedkar belonged to an untouchable caste ‘Mahar’. Dr. Ambedkar started the work of organizing the lower castes. He demanded separate electorates for the lower castes and launched a movement for everyone to go to the temples. He opposed Congress through his movement and became a devotee of British imperialism. In 1920, he founded The All India Depressed Class Federation. This made him a leader at the Indian level.

In 1924, Ambedkar founded the ‘Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha’ in Bombay. In 1927, he started publishing a magazine called ‘Bahishkrit Bharat’ in Marathi. In the same year, he founded the Samaj Samta Sangh to propagate the principle of social equality among Hindus and the untouchables. To protect the interests of the working class, the Independent Worker’s Party was formed. In December 1927, he started Satyagraha to protect the rights of untouchables to take water from public wells and ponds. In 1924, Ambedkar founded the ‘Scheduled Caste Federation. Eventually, he announced the abandonment of Hinduism and embraced Buddhism. In 1936, he formed the ‘Independent Labor Party. In this, an attempt was made to bring laborers and farmers together. In 1942, Ambedkar founded the ‘Tribal Sangh’ (Federation). They made political cooperation with the colonial government based on the understanding that this would bring more benefits to the tribes. Due to this loyalty, he got membership in the Viceroy’s executive committee in the 1940s. After independence, Dr. Ambedkar was elected as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly. In Article 17 of the Constitution, he announced the abolition of untouchability. In 1955, he got the Untouchability Act passed in Parliament and got the status of respect for the Dalits in society.

Like Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi also wanted the upliftment of Dalits. But his approach was completely different from that of Ambedkar. He was well aware of the divide-and-rule policy of the British government. He gave the name of Harijans to Dalits and also brought out a magazine for the upliftment of Dalits in the name of Harijans. He also took responsibility for cleanliness by visiting the settlements of Harijans and was always aware of their rights and demands.

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