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Madhyamik geography Question Paper 2022 Solve

WB Madhyamik geography Solve

Madhyamik Pariksha 2022 Solve- geography

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SUBJECT: Geography   Year: 2022

Group A

  1. Write the correct answer from the given alternatives: –

    1.1 The process, by which, the elevation of the earth’s surface decreases, is called:


    (a) Volcanism

    (b) Aggradation

    (c) Deposition

    (d) Degradation


    Ans. (d) Degradation


    1.2 The highland between two river basins is called :


    (a) Water divide)

    (b) River terrace 

    (c) Natural levee

    (d) Doab


    Ans. (a) Water divide


    1.3 A lake carved out by y glacier is :


    (a) Corrie lake

    (b) Playa lake

    (c) Ox-bow lake

    (d) Lagoon 


    Ans. (a) corrie lake


    1.4 Plain formed by wind deposition is called:


    (a) Dune

    (b) Hamada 

    (c) Dhrian

    (d) Loess


    Ans. (d) Loess


    1.5 Lakes containing saline water in the n Sahara desert are called:


    (a) Shotts

    (b) Bolson 

    (c) Dhand

    (d) Tal 


    Ans. (a) Shotts


    1.6 The union territory of Ladakh is separated from :


    (a) Telangana

    (b) Jammu & Kashmir

    (c) Uttarakhand

    (d) Jharkhand


    Ans. (b) Jammu & Kashmir


    1.7 The valley between Siwalik and Lesser Himalaya is called:


    (a) Bhavar

    (b) Khadar

    (c) Karewa

    (d) Dun


    Ans. (d) Dun


    1.8 The largest river valley project in India is :


    (a) Hirakund

    (b) Bhakra-Nangal

    (c) Nagarjuna Sagar

    (d) Rana Pratap Sagar


    Ans. (b) Bhakra-Nangal


    1.9 “Brust of Monsoon” is first observed in :


    (a) Kerala

    (b) Karnataka

    (c) Meghalaya

    (d) West Bengal


    Ans. (a) Kerala


    1.10 “Chandan” tree grows in the region of : 


    (a) Tropical evergreen vegetation

    (b) Tropical deciduous vegetation

    (c) Tropical desert vegetation

    (d) Coniferous vegetation


    Ans. (b) Tropical deciduous vegetation


    1.11 The Central Coffee Research Institute of India is located at :


    (a) Jorhat

    (b) Bengaluru

    (c) Chikmagalur

    (d) Coimbatore 


    Ans. (c) Chikmagalur


    1.12 The most important center of the f IT industry in west Bengal is at :


    (a) Durgapur

    (b) Kharagpur

    (c) Sector-V, Salt Lake

    (d) Siliguri


    Ans. (c) Sector-V, Salt Lake) 


    1.13 According to the o Indian Census, the minimum population of an urban center is :


    (a) 4000

    (b) 5000

    (c) 6000

    (d) 7000


    Ans. (b) 5000


    1.14 The biggest port city of India is :


    (a) Haldia

    (b) Chennai

    (c) Kolkata.

    (d) Mumbai


    Ans. (c) Mumbai

Group ‘B’

  1. In the following, write ‘T’ against the true statements and ‘F’ against the false statements.  (Answer any six questions):

    2.1.1 Curse is the unit used for measuring river velocity



    2.1.2 Floating ice mass in the sea is called d iceberg.



    2.1.3 Sri Lanka is a neighboring country that shares a boundary with India



    2.1.4 Aravalli in India is an example of a young fold mountain.



    2.1.5 Logtakl is the largest lagoon in India



    2.1.6  The “Central Forest Research Institute of India” is located in Dehradun.



    2.1.7 One of the forest-based industries of India is the paper industry.



    2.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words (answer any six):-

    2.2.1 The Nile delta is_____shaped)

    Ans. Arcuate


    2.2.2 The highland between two adjacent corries is called_______)

    Ans. Are


    2.2.3 The highest mountain peak of South India is ________.)

    Ans. Anamudi


    2.2.4  (Brahmaputra is known as_________in Arunachal Pradesh.)

    Ans. Dihang/Dibang / Seong


    2.2.5 The dust storms developed during summer seasons in North-West India are known as________ .)

    Ans. Andhi


    2.2.6  _________soil is ideal for the growth of mangrove forests.)

    Ans. Saline / coastal


    2.2.7 Jamnagar is famous for. ______ industry.)

    Ans. Petrochemical


    2.3  (Answer in one or two words) (answer any six):

    2.3.1 Which bank of a river meander experiences more erosion?

    Ans. concave stope


    2.3.2 At which altitude, the snow line is found in the polar regions?

    Ans. sea level / 0 meter


    2.3.3 Name the dunes formed parallel to the wind direction.

    Ans. Seif dunes longitudinal dunes


    2.3.4 What is ‘Tal’ in Western Himalaya?

    Ans. Lake) / Glacial Lake


    2.3.5 In which State of India? The lower course of river Ganga lies?

    Ans. West Bengal


    2.3.6 Name a farming technique that prevents soil erosion on the hill slopes.

    Ans.  Terrace farming


    2.3.7 Which State of India ranks first in sugarcane production?

    Ans. Uttar Pradesh


    2.3.8 Where was the first cotton mill set up in India?

    Ans. Ghusuri in West Bengal


    2.4 Match the Left Column with the Right column


    Left column

    Right column


























    The peak of the eastern Himalayas






Group C

  1. Answer the following questions briefly (the choice is to write the question)

    3.1 “Define “gradation”

    OR What is an alluvial cone?


    3.2 What do you mean by “piedmont glacier”

    OR Define “transverse dune”.


    3.3 What do you mean by “Maidan”?

    OR What is “Rann of Kutch”?



    3.4 Define “Western Disturbance”?

    OR What do you mean by “Agro-Forestry”?


    3.5 Define “Terrace Cultivation”.

    OR, What are commercial crops?


    3.6 What do you mean by “pure raw materials”?


    OR-What is a “North-South Corridor”?

group d

4. Give a brief explanatory answer (Alternatives. should be noted):



4.1 Explain why wind erosion dominates in the hot desert regions.


State the differences between tributaries and distributaries.

4.2 Explain briefly three effects of climatic changes observed in the Sundarban region.


Mention three differences between the river valley and the d glaciated valley.

4.3 Write three differences between Eastern and Western Ghat mountain ranges.


Explain why deltas are not formed at the mouth of West flowing rivers of India.

4.4 Analyse three factors responsible for the development of the IT industry in India.


Why population density is very high in Ganga plain?

group – e

  1. Answer any two questions from the following:)

    5.1.1 Describe with sketches three landforms produced by depositional work of the river in its middle course.

5.1.2 Give an account of three depositional landforms developed by glaciers along with suitable sketches.

5.1.3 Describe with sketches, three features carved out by wind erosion.

5.1.4 Describe the landforms produced by combined actions of wind and running water in an arid region.

5.2.1 Distinguish between the physical features of the Eastern and Western coastal plains of India.

5.2.2 Describe in brief the major characteristic features of the Indian climate.

5.2.3 Give an account of favorable physical factors required for the cultivation of rice in India.

5.2.4 Explain the factors responsible for the concentration of the iron and steel industry in Eastern India.

Group ‘F’

  1. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of India. Attach the map with your answer paper:-

6.1 Vindhya range

6.2 Malabar Coast

6.3 River Kaveri

6.4 A region of very low rainfall

6.5 A black soil region

6.6 One tea-producing region of North-East India

6.7 A petrochemical industrial center of West Bengal

6.8 A heavy engineering industrial center

6.9 A port with an artificial harbor on East Coast

6.10 New Delhi

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