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Madhyamik geography Question Paper 2019 Solve

WB Madhyamik geography Solve

Madhyamik Pariksha 2019 Solve- geography

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SUBJECT: Geography   Year: 2019

Group A

  1. Write the correct answer from the given alternatives: –


    1.1 The process by which, the height of the earth’s surface increases, is:


    (a) Aggradation

    (b) Degradation

    (c) Weathering

    (d) Denudation


    Ans.(a) Aggradation


    1.2 Deep cracks on the surface of the mountain glacier are called:


    (a) Nunatak

    (b) Crevasse

    (c) Arete

    (d) Cirque.


    Ans. (b) Crevasse


    1.3 Annual range of temperature remains minimum in:


    (a) Equatorial climatic region

    (b) Monsoon climatic region

    (c) Mediterranean climatic region 

    (d) Steppe climate region 


    Ans.(a) Equatorial climatic region


    1.4 Cold local wind that blows in the Rhone valley of France is called:


    (a) Chinook

    (b) Sirocco 

    (c) Mistral

    (d) Bora


    Ans. (c) Mistral


    1.5 The place, where warm and cold ocean currents converge, is called: 


    (a) Cold wall

    (b) Iceberg

    (c) Avalanches

    (d) Sargassum


    Ans. (a) Cold wall


    1.6 When the distance between the earth and the moon is farthest, it is called:


    (a) Syzygy

    (b) Perigee 

    (c) Apogee

    (d) Aphelion


    Ans. (c) Apogee


    1.7 In the human body contaminated water may cause:


    (a) Diarrhoea

    (b) Asthma

    (c) Lung cancer

    (d)  Blindness


    Ans. (a) Diarrhoea


    1.8 The main basis of state reorganization in India is:


    (a) Language 

    (b) Physiographic similarities 

    (c) Similarities in food habits

    (d) Similarities in economic activities


    Ans.(a) Language


    1.9 The source of the river Ganga is: 


    (a) Yamunotri Glacier

    (b) Zemu Glacier

    (c) Siachen Glacier

    (d) Gangotri Glacier


    Ans. (d) Gangotri Glacier


    1.10 In India the largest multipurpose river valley 


    (a) Bhakra-Nangal

    (b) Damodar

    (c) Rihand

    (d) Hirakund


    Ans. (a) Bhakra-Nangal


    1.11 The state, which ranks first in the production of rice per hectare, is:


    (a) West Bengal

    (b) Uttar Pradesh

    (c) Punjab

    (d) Andhra Pradesh


    Ans. (c) Punjab


    1.12 The required raw materials of the iron and steel industry include:


    (a) Iron-ore

    (b) Coal

    (c) Manganese

    (d) All of them


    Ans. (d) All of them


    1.13 According to the 2011 census, the number of metropolis in India is :


    (a) 55

    (b) 53

    (c) 51

    (d) 49 


    Ans. (b) 53 


    1.14 The latitudinal and longitudinal extension of the million sheets topographical map is 🙂


    (a) 15’×15′

    (b) 30’×30′

    (c) 1°×1°

    (d) 4°×4° 


    Ans. (d) 4°×4°

Group ‘B’

  1. In the following, write ‘T’ against the true statements and ‘F’ against the false statements.  (Answer any six questions):

    2.1.1 Altitude of the snowline varies with latitudes.



    2.1.2 Wind velocity is measured with the help of an Anemometer.



    2.1.3 Salinity of seawater is maximum in the Equatorial region.



    2.1.4 The highest plateau of India is Deccan Trap.



    2.1.5 The old alluvial soil of the Ganga plain is called Bangar.



    2.1.6 Visakhapatnam is the only tax-free port. of India.



    2.1.7 Red-coloured lines are used to show roads in satellite images.



    2.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words (answer any six):-

    2.2.1 Holes formed by abrasion on the river bed are called_______)

    Ans. water trough


    2.2.2 ________is formed by the mixing of dust and fog during winter  in industrial regions.)

    Ans. Smog or smoke


    2.2.3  _______current causes snowfall in New Foundland.)

    Ans. Labrador


    2.2.4 Waste paper is a______type of wastes.)

    Ans. re-circulating


    2.2.5 Tropical easterly Jet Stream forces _____ wind to blow over India.)

    Ans. Monsoon


    2.2.6 The southernmost point of mainland India is _______.)

    Ans. Kanya Kumari


    2.2.7 ______ is the most populous city of India.)

    Ans. Mumbai


    2.3  (Answer in one or two words (answer any six ):-

    2.3.1 Which type of rainfall is found in the Temperate zone?

    Ans. cyclonic rains


    2.3.2 Which island of Sundarban was completely submerged due to global warming?

    Ans. Lohachara (New more)


    2.3.3 Which type of natural vegetation is found in the desert region of India?

    Ans. Marudbhid or dry plant.


    2.3.4 On which quarters of the moon does Neap tide occur?

    Ans. Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha


    2.3.5 In which part of the course is, the river Gangamaximumlyimum polluted?

    Ans. In the delete or old age part.  ,


    2.3.6 Name one Zaid crop in India.

    Ans. Watermelon, Melon.


    2.3.7 Which state of India leads in “Rain-water Harvesting”?

    Ans. Tamil Nadu


    2.3.8 where is the headquarters of ‘Survey of India located?

    Ans. Dehradun.


    2.4 Match the Left Column with the Right Column:


    Left column

    Right column








    Prominence of ozone gas


    Sugarcane research


    Largest automotive manufacturing canter


















Group C

  1. Answer the following questions briefly (the choice is to write the question)

    3.1 What is denudation?

    Ans. Denaturation is the sum of both static and dynamic activities.  Under this, the combined activities of weathering, mass wasting, transmission, erosion, deposition, etc. are studied.  Weathering + erosion + erosion = denudation


    3.1 (a) What is “inversion of temperature?

    Ans. Inversion of temperature: Generally, in the upper layers of the atmosphere, the temperature decreases according to height.  But sometimes at low altitudes and for a short time, this condition reverses and the temperature starts increasing instead of decreasing with height.  This is called Inversion of Temperature or Negative Lapse Rate.  Which is seen in the mountainous parts during the quiet long nights of winter.


    3.2  What is an Inter-tropical convergence zone?

    Ans. ITCZ – Intertropical convergence zone (I. T. C. Z): The region in the equatorial region where the northeast and southeast winds meet each other is called the inter-tropical convergence zone.  Which are the cradles of cyclones.


    3.2 (a) State the definition of ocean current.

    Ans. Ocean Currents:- Like rivers flowing on land, the flow of water flowing in a certain direction from one part to another on the surface of the ocean and ocean is called a current.


    3.3 Define waste management.

    Ans. The emission and disposal of waste materials are a serious problem, the organization formed to reduce their emissions and dispose of them safely is called waste management.


    3.3 (a) What do you mean by radioactive waste?

    Ans. Radioactive Waste: – In the present world, radioactive materials are being used in the field of obtaining energy, manufacturing weapons, and in the medical field.  Radioactive materials always undergo the process of fission and their waste materials are also more or less radioactive.  These substances do not get exhausted quickly and remain for hundreds to thousands of years and if they reach the human body in any way, they cause great harm.  They are called radioactive waste.

    Examples are molecular radiation particles and charitable gas, methyl isocyanate gas, etc.


    3.4 Where is the Malnad region located?

    Ans. The Malnad region is situated in the southwest part of the Karnataka plateau.


    3.4 (a) Name two watershed regions of India

    Ans. Aravalli Mountains and Vindhya Mountains.


    3.5 What do you mean by millet crops?

    Ans. Cultivation of nutritiously complete cereals in less rainfall and less fertile land is called coarse cereals in India such as – Ragi, Maduva, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, etc.  It is also called the grain of the poor.


    3.5 (a) Name one agro-based and one forest-based industry in India.

    Ans. An agro-based industry in India is the cotton textile industry and a forest-based industry is the paper industry.


    3.6 State the definition of satellite imageries.

    Ans. “The image taken of the whole or part of the earth using an artificial satellite is called satellite imagery.”


    3.6 (a) State the use of Representative Fraction (R.E.).

    Ans. The display is useful in revealing the actual distance of the different earth in the proportional distance and in reducing the large distance and enlarging the small distance.

group d

4. Give a brief explanatory answer (Alternatives. should be noted):



4.1 State three differences between “Seif dune” and “Barkhan”.


Briefly explain any three factors to identify the Mediterranean climate in the Temperature-Rainfall graph.

4.2 Briefly discuss any three effects of waste on the environment


Describe the role of students in waste management.

4.3 Mention three differences in characteristic features of tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous vegetation of India.


Explain with examples the influence of raw materials on the development of industries in India.

4.4 Briefly discuss Three main characteristic features of satellite imageries.


Mention the merits and demerits of remote sensing.

group – e

  1. Answer any two questions from the following:)

    5.1.1 Describe with sketches three major landforms developed by erosional work of rivers.

5.1.2 Explain the factors responsible for the formation of equatorial low-pressure belts and polar high-pressure belts.

5.1.3 Give an account of the occurrence of orographic rainfall with a suitable example and diagram.

5.1.4 Explain the causes responsible for the development of high tides and ebb.

5.2.1 State the differences between the physical characteristics of North and South Indian rivers.

5.2.2 Give a brief account of the alluvial and black soils of India.

5.2.3 State favorable physical conditions required for the cultivation of wheat.

5.2.4 Discuss the importance of the transportation system in India.

Group ‘F’

  1. Show the following on the outline map of India given with the question paper with the appropriate logo and name. Attach the map with the answer sheet:

6.1 Vindhya Mountain

6.2 LoktakLake

6.3 River Mahanadi

6.4 One rain-shadow region

6.5 One mangrove forest region

6.6 One Desert soil region

6.7 One sugarcane-producing region of north India

6.8 One heavy engineering industrial center of Eastern India

6.9 Visakhapatnam port

6.10 A megacity on the western coast


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