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How was the princely state of Hyderabad incorporated into India?

How was the princely state of Hyderabad incorporated into India?

WB Madhyamik 2018


Being under Hyderabad State: – Unlike Kashmir, the ruler of Hyderabad was Muslim, while the majority of the people here were Hindu. The kingdom of Hyderabad was surrounded by Indian borders. The Muslim ruler (Nizam) here used to have a craze to collect more and more gold and jewels. He considered himself completely independent and wanted to maintain the independent existence of his kingdom. He considered democracy a corrupt system and believed in the divine rights of kings. He had concentrated all the authority related to the governance of his state in his hands. Till August 15, 1947, he kept the Ministry of State of the Government of India in confusion about whether or not to join the Union. Even after this, one or the other force kept prolonging the conversation. Finally, in November 1947, under the pressure of Lord Mountbatten, he signed the Standstill Agreement with India but kept on deferring to join the union. The solution to the problem of Hyderabad:- Muslim Razakars, getting the support of the Nizam, started intimidating and robbing the majority of the Hindus of the state. Day by day the situation worsened and atrocities on Hindus increased. The railway routes and roads passing through the state began to be damaged. Qasim Rizvi, the leader of the Muslim Razakars, even threatened that he would conquer the whole of India and hoist his flag on the Red Fort of Delhi. The Razakars started killing Brahmins. In protest against this, Nizam’s executive member J.V. Joshi resigned. Sydney Carton, a resident of Australia, started sending weapons to Razzakars in large quantities from Karachi. The Razakars started looting the vehicles passing by. The situation in Hyderabad worsened day by day. Sardar Patel and V.P. Menon made a lot of efforts to persuade Nizam to bring him on the path, but now the situation was getting out of control the Nizam. The razakars’ guild had been established in the Hyderabad state. In such a situation, the Government of India decided to take military action against him. In September 1948, the Indian Army was ordered to enter Hyderabad and maintain peace and order.

It went to ‘military action’ under the leadership of Major General Chaudhry. In action within five days, the Indian Army crushed the resistance of the Muslim Razakars. On September 18, 1948, Major General Choudhary took over as the military governor of Hyderabad, and Hyderabad was incorporated into the Indian Union. The Nizam was forced to accept the new system. The Government of India treated him with respect and did not do much damage to his reputation.


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