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How did Women participate in the anti-partition movement of Bengal? Was there a limitation to their movement? 

How did Women participate in the anti-partition movement of Bengal? Was there a limitation to their movement?

WB Madhyamik 2019


Role of women in the anti-Bang Bhang movement: – For the first time in the anti-Bang Bhang movement, women came out of the house, started participating in demonstrations, and sat on dharna.  On the suggestion of Rabindranath Tagore

 Women celebrated the ‘Rakhi Day’ program together with men.  Through this program, he showed that the British cannot create a rift in the unity of Bengal by dividing it.  He made it successful by participating in the public meetings organized by Anand Mohan Bose and Surendranath Banerjee and collecting funds for the progress of the movement.  To help the movement financially, women even gave away their ornaments.  Women openly participated in the Swadeshi and boycott movements.  They started dealing with indigenous clothes and protested in front of shops of foreign goods and lit bonfires of foreign clothes.  Women stopped wearing foreign bangles and ornaments and using foreign clothes and utensils.


 Limitation of the movement of women’s society: – The weak aspect of the movement of women’s society in the anti-separation movement was that this movement never got famous at the national level.  Women were organized under the control of male leadership and continued to work on their guidelines.  Women revolutionaries never openly participated in it.  The work of women was to secretly convey the information and goods of the movement to the male revolutionaries.


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