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Describe the favorable physical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton in India.

Describe the favorable physical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton in India.

WB Madhyamik 2018


(a) Geographical conditions required for cotton cultivation:

(1) High temperature: – Cotton is a plant of the tropical and sub-tropical zone.  For this, an order of 200 to 250 is required.  Pala is its enemy.  It is necessary to be frost free for at least 200 days.

(2) Less rainfall: – 50 to 100 cm rainfall is suitable for cotton.  Irrigation is required in areas of low rainfall.  Irrigated cotton is of high quality.  Sunshine at the time of weaving is necessary.  Due to rain during ripening, its buds do not bloom properly, due to which shiny cotton is not obtained.

(3) Sea breeze: Sea breeze is very beneficial for cotton cultivation.  Due to this, the coastal areas are very suitable for cotton cultivation.

(4) Soil: – For cotton, fertile undrained soil having the capacity to hold moisture, black and loamy soils are best for this.

(5) Cheap labor: – In cotton agriculture, cheap, skilled, and sufficient labor is needed for sowing, weeding, and selecting the sacks.

(6) Receipt of the insecticidal drug: There is an infestation of an insect called ball-weevil on cotton plants.  The use of insecticides on plants is necessary to kill these pests.


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