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Madhyamik geography Question Paper 2018 Solve

WB Madhyamik geography Solve

Madhyamik Pariksha 2018 Solve- geography

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SUBJECT: Geography   Year: 2018

Group A

  1. Write the correct answer from the given alternatives :


    1.1 The gorge formed in the arid region is called as–


    (a) Canyon

    (b) ‘V-shaped valley 

    (c) Potholes

    (d) Dhand

    Ans. (a) Canyon 

    1.2 Bird-foot delta is formed at the mouth of –


    (a) River Nile

    (b) Hwang Ho

    (c) Indus river

    (d) Mississippi-Missouri river

    Ans. (d) Mississippi-Missouri river

    1.3 The meteors that come towards the earth get burnt in the layer of-


    (a) Ionosphere

    (b) Stratosphere

    (c) Mesosphere

    (d) Exosphere


    Ans. (c) Mesosphere

    1.4 Tornado, the most destructive cyclone in the world is also called the  in USA as-


    (a) Cyclone

    (b) Twister

    (c) Typhoon

    (d) Hurricane

    Ans. (b) Twister

    1.5 The merging of the cold Labrador current and warm Gulfstream current create dense fogs and stormy weather conditions along-


    (a) Newfoundland coast

    (b) Guinea coast

    (c) Florida coast 

    (d) Peru coast

    Ans. (a) Newfoundland coast

    1.6 On the days of Neap Tides the sun and the moon are at the following angles to each other in respect of the earth-


    (a) 180°

    (b) 360°

    (c) 90°

    (d) 120°

    Ans.(c) 90°

    1.7 The following waste material is nonbiodegradable by its nature-


    (a) Plastic wastes

    (b) Synthetic rubber wastes

    (c) Aluminium sheet 

    (d) All are applicable

    Ans. (d) All are applicable

    1.8 The Telangana State was formed by separation from-


    (a) Madhya Pradesh

    (b) Andhra Pradesh 

    (c) Bihar

    (d) Uttar Pradesh

    Ans. (b) Andhra Pradesh

    1.9 The plain, which is formed along the foothills of Siwalik Himalaya by the deposition of small rock fragments is called as 


    (a) Khadar 

    (b) Bhangar

    (c) Bhavan

    (d) Bet

    Ans. (c) Bhavan

    1.10 Example of one salt lake in India is


    (a) Pangong lake 

    (b) Bhimtal 

    (c) Dal lake

    (d) Loktak lake


    Ans. (a) Pangong lake

    “1.11 The Laterite soil is found in the region of


    (a) Ganga plain

    (b) Western slope of western ghat

    (c) Sundarban

    (d) Desert region

    Ans. (b) Western slope of western ghat

    1.12 Wheat is a — 


    (a) Rabi crop

    (b) Kharif crop 

    (c) Zaid crop

    (d) Beverage crop  

    Ans. (a) Rabi crop

    1.13 The proposed fastest National Highway, which will connect Srinagar in the North with Kanyakumari in the South is called as-


    (a) The East-West Corridor

    (b) The Golden Quadrilateral

    (c) The North-South Corridor

    (d) The North Central Corridor 

    Ans. (c) The North-South Corridor

    1.14 The satellite sent by India is —


    (a) IRS

    (b) LANDSAT

    (c) SPOT

    (d) Station


    Ans. IRS 


Group ‘B’

  1. In the following, write ‘T’ against the true statements and ‘F’ against the false statements.  (Answer any six questions):

    2.1.1 Potholes are formed at the base of the waterfall.

    Ans. [F]


    2.1.2 The air pressure is measured with the help of Fortin’s Barometer.

    And. [T]


    2.1.3 Changes in seasons are observed in the Equatorial region.

    Ans. [F]


    2.1.4 drought conditions develop on ton western coast of South America due to the influence of El Nino in the Pacific Ocean.

    And. [F]


    2.1.5 Tropical Evergreen forests are found in the states of Bihar and Chhattisgarh.

    Ans. [F]


    2.1.6 Petrochemical Industry is called a “Modern Industrial Giant”.

    Ans. [T]


    2.1.7 ‘Platform’ is the place in space where the Satellites are installed.

    Ans. [T]


    2.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words (Answer any six) :

    2.2.1 According name of ______& river, the zigzag course of a river is known as a meander.

    Ans. (Mendros)


    2.2.2 Horizontal to and Parallel cracks or fractures found on the surface of a glacier are called_______)

    Ans.  (Crevasse)


    2.2.3 Temperature increases with the increase of altitude in the atmosphere is called_____)

    Ans.  (Inversion in Temperatur)


    2.2.4 During high tide huge tidal waves entering through the mouth of a river from the sea are called _______)

    Ans.  (Tidal bore)


    2.2.5 The wastes which after decomposition mix with air, water and soil are called ________)

    Ans.  (Biodegradable waste)



    2.2.6 _______is the highest part of the Meghalaya Plateau.)

    Ans.  (Shillong Peak)


    2.2.7  According to the 2011 census, the percentage of literacy rate in India is._______ )

    Ans. 74.04


    2.3 Answer in one or two words (any six ):

    2.3.1 What is the name of the Sandy desert in the Sahara?

    Ans. (Erg)


    2.3.2 In which layer of the atmosphere jet plane fly?

    Ans. Stratosphere


    2.3.3 What is the main food of marine fish?

    Ans. Plankton


    2.3.4 Name one radioactive waste.

    Ans. Thorium


    2.3.5 Which one is the longest river in South India?

    Ans. Godavari


    2.3.6 In which forest of India lion is found?

    Ans. Gir


    2.3.7 Name the common multipurpose river valley project of the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal.

    Ans. Damodar valley corporation


    2.3.8 In which type of map, relief is shown by contour lines?

    Ans. Topographical map


    2.4 Match the left column with the right column:


    Left column

    Right column










    Jhum cultivation












    Coffee research center


    Diesel rail engine


    western himalayan lake


    Soil erosion



Group C

  1. Answer the following questions briefly (the choice is to write the question)

    3.1 How are the “deflation hollows” formed?

    Ans. Deflation hollows: – When the sand and fine particles are blown away from the same place by the wind blowing in the same direction, then there are small and big size shallow and deep troughs are formed. Which are called drainage troughs (air troughs).  Such troughs are found in Mongolia, Sahara, the and Kalahari desert regions.  The Katara Tret of Mishra is a famous trough of this type.


    3.1 (a)  What is Iceberg?

    Ans. Iceberg: – When a glacier flowing in a region reaches the sea, then its icebergs start floating in the sea.  It is called an iceberg.  These are very dangerous for the ships as they break the ships after colliding with them.  The world-famous American ship Titanic sank after colliding with one such floating iceberg.


    3.2 What is Chinook?

    Ans. Steamy winds coming from the Pacific Ocean collide with the Rocky Mountains of North America and cause a lot of rain in its western part, but when these winds cross the Rocky Mountains and descend through the eastern slope, they become hot and dry.  These hot and dry winds are called Chinook.


    3.2 (a) What is the apogean tide?

    Ans. When the moon is at its maximum distance from the earth, it is called the apogee position of the moon.


    3.3 How is the segregation of waste materials done?

    Ans. Segregation of Wastes:- Segregation of solid wastes into different classes is an important method of waste management.  Class-wise methods of disposal and recycling can be adopted.  For example, naturally decomposing wastes such as food scraps, peels of fruits and vegetables, etc. can be used to manufacture fertilizers, and wastes that do not decompose naturally such as metals, glass, plastics, etc. can be recycled.  It is easy to segregate the source of the waste ie where it is generated.  Dry and wet waste should be kept in separate dustbins.


    3.3 (a) What do you mean by ‘Recycling the waste’?

    Ans. Renewal of waste (recycling): – The conversion of the used material which has been converted into waste again into new useful material is called recycling or recycling of waste.  Recycling waste saves resources and energy and also saves the environment from being polluted.


    3.4  Name two physiographic divisions of the Karnataka Plateau.

    Ans. Geological division of Karnataka plateau (i) Malnad plain (Maidan), (ii) Mysore plateau.


    3.4 (a)  Mention two purposes of rainwater harvesting.

    Ans. Two objectives of rainwater harvesting: (i) An attempt to solve the problem of water scarcity by harvesting rainwater.  (ii) Availability of water for irrigation in the dry season.


    3.5 State the importance of terrace cultivation.

    Ans. Importance of step-up plowing: (i) It reduces soil erosion.  (ii) They help hold rainwater.  (iii) It conserves both soil and water.


    3.5 (a) What is sustainable development?

    Ans. Sustainable Development: – Sustainable development is to maintain the pace of economic development for a long period without harming the local environment and compromising on the present needs.

    Efficient use of environmental protection resources; Conservation of energy and resources through scientific and technological use is the cornerstone of sustainable development.


    3.6 State the definition of satellite imageries.

    Ans. “The image taken of the whole or part of the earth using an artificial satellite is called satellite imagery.”


    3.6 (a) Define topographical Map.

    Ans. Such maps made on large scales in sufficient quantity, in which those features can be identified in the area by looking at the features displayed, are called topographical maps or topographical fraction drawings.

group d

Briefly explain the following (write choice questions):


4.1 Explain why a delta is formed at the mouth of a river?


Why does temperature decrease with the increase of altitude in the Troposphere?

4.2 What are the methods of controlling gaseous waste material?


How is the reduction of waste made?

4.3 Discuss in brief three main measures adopted for the conservation of forests in India.


What do you mean by the ‘Modern Communication System’?

4.4 What are the differences between Topographical Map and Satellite Imagery?


State three uses of the Topographical Map.

group – e

  1. Answer any two questions.

    5.1.1 Describe with sketches the major landforms produced by fluvioglacial deposition.

5.1.2 Explain with sketches the origin and direction of planetary winds of the world.

5.1.3 Discuss the major characteristic features of Tropical Monsoon climatic regions.

5.1.4 Explain the factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents.

5.2 Answer any two questions:

5.2.1 Give a brief account of the physiography of the Western Himalayas of India.

5.2.2 Describe the favorable physical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton in India.

5.2.3 Explain the major factors responsible for the development of the Iron and Steel industry in Eastern and Central India.

5.2.4 What are the causes of Urbanization in India?

Group ‘F’

6. On the outline map of India given with the question paper, show the following with the appropriate logo and name.  Attach the map with the answer sheet:

6.1 Siwalik range

6.2 River Krishna

6.3 The driest region of India

6.4 One red soil region of India

6.5 Central Forest Research Institute of India

6.6 One wheat-growing region of Northern India.

6.7 ‘Manchester’ of South India

6.8 Natural port of Eastern Coast of India

6.9 The main administrative center of India

6.10 The largest International Airport in India

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