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Question: Analyse the main causes and activities of working class movements in the period of Anti-partition movement?

Question: Analyse the main causes and activities of working class movements in the period of Anti-partition movement?

The main causes and activities of the labor movement of the Bengal-Bhang movement period: – In the beginning of the 20th century, there was a significant increase in labor discontent and struggles.  Mainly three reasons for this

 The workers were responsible for

(i) unsatisfactory working conditions and conditions,

(ii) increased inflation and,

(iii) racial discrimination and humiliation. 

The struggles of this period received both sympathy and support from the nationalists.  At the same time Bengal was partitioned by Lord Curzon.  This partition of Bengal gave a blow to the labor movement.  At this time in Bengal, four persons emerged mainly as labor leaders.  Their names were Ashwini Kumar Banerjee, Prabhat Kusum Raychaudhuri, Apoorva Kumar Ghosh and Premtosh Bose.  Of these, the first three were lawyers by profession and Bose was the owner of a printing press.  In 1905, there was a strike in the government printing presses in Bengal and on October 21, 1905, the Printers’ Union was established.  It is considered by historian Sumit Sarkar to be the first real labor union.  The Railway Men’s Union was established in July 1906 as a result of the strike of railway clerks.  Concerned by the growing labor dissatisfaction, Pioneer advised the government on August 27, 1906, that “the government that establishes law and order should show its strength.”


 In the wake of the partition movement, a large number of workers boycotted the government factories.  They refused to be a part of any British Government undertaking.  The biggest strike of this period was in 1907 AD done by railway employees.

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